『フルーツ盛りかご』 法事用の盛籠を承ります。予算等に合わせて調整いたしますので、ゆとりをもってご予約いただけるとありがたいです。 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Shigemi Satou (@s.shigemi) Posted by Intagrate v1.9.7
【Decoration & Special Chocolate Bananas】 In support of those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11,2011, we began making our chokolate bananas. We wanted to see the children&039;s smiles. As is a vegetable store&039;s principle,we use high quality bananas. Combining the words "decoration" and "special chokolate bananas" we named these bananas "デコシャル". We make them for the smiles of all. 八百屋が作るチョコバナナ 2020年3月3日(火)